We begin with a boy who is only 13 years of age but is wise beyond his years, like no other before him. He is able to hold a conversation with just about any one despite his mental quarks or disabilities. He fits in everywhere and also nowhere. A boy like this with some friends but none very close must feel very lonely. Lonely he is and a deep thinker no less. He longs for a friendship as close as siblings, for he is an only child. He feels as though he…
ContinueAdded by kaleb penno on December 6, 2021 at 12:47pm — No Comments
For my first blog post I'd like to share an article that first appeared in ThinkJar Collective. I reworded it a bit to the title Influencing the Space: If AI Could Play on my site.
And here it is…
Added by Willy Richardson on July 26, 2020 at 11:00pm — No Comments
Hello Everyone, yes, I still exist although way behind the veil and still director of Artists Unite. Apologies for being so invisible. I check in on all of us all of the time and things seem to be running well providing a site for diverse art forms and artists from around our world. As always you can contact me by writing rosa@artistunite-ny.org. When we first began, this site served as a website for those who did not yet have their own. Now, of course, many of you do. Still. this serves as…
ContinueAdded by Rosa Naparstek on November 10, 2019 at 1:30pm — No Comments
So much has happened since my last post. I've been awarded two artist residencies from LMCC--in their Su-Casa program, working with seniors. The first, in 2016, I conducted workshops in two Senior Centers, one in Washington Heights, and the other in Harlem. These were called "Stretch & Sketch" and incorporated gentle stretching movements with simple sketches of the human body, using each other as models. These culminated in exhibits and receptions included in the Uptown Art Stroll for…
ContinueAdded by Nancy Bruning on May 27, 2018 at 3:57pm — No Comments
A.I.R. Brooklyn January 4-February 4
Don't miss this important timely exhibit, which has been timely for much too long in our history, our lives. Thank you, Rosa…
ContinueAdded by Rosa Naparstek on January 31, 2018 at 11:30am — No Comments
Artists Unite is celebrating it's decades long (in the making) poster project. This is our 9th year of posters in the elevator, although the process and project effort began in 2001.
Please join us for a three day event featuring an exhibit of the 40 Posters that have been displayed, and a group show of the participating artists. In addition there will be a video of the project's history, a "viewing" of the foot high…
ContinueAdded by Rosa Naparstek on May 21, 2017 at 2:27am — No Comments
Subiré al álbum mas escritos, poemas, cuentos reales, algunos surrealistas, un ensayo con mi filosofía y por último " un poeta sobre mi mesa ", éste lo comencé a escribir en el Forense Municipal, una " amiga " me pidió que le acompañara a una de sus clases de medicina, me llevé una bata blanca y me hice pasar por estudiante, una experiencia más.
Era en la calle Uruguayana de Montevideo, me acuerdo que cuando subí al ómnibus la gente se apartaba de mi, no por mi aspecto, mas bien por el…
Added by gustavo vazquez king on May 4, 2017 at 4:05am — No Comments
Added by Rosa Naparstek on December 3, 2016 at 7:26am — No Comments
Hi Everyone, I thought this was a wonderful article and gives us much to think about, and appreciate. Rosa, (director AU)
From the AmericanaFest yesterday September 22, 2016:
"Music Confounds the Machines"
Everyone's talking about the great speech T Bone Burnett gave as the keynote address to AmericanaFest…
ContinueAdded by Rosa Naparstek on September 30, 2016 at 7:30pm — No Comments
The Artists Unite Website has been shut down for a couple of weeks due to errant maleware, and we just had it fixed. Apologies to those of you who tried to log on via the website and could not do so. However the Ning Membership Network was still open, therefore many of you may not have even noticed. If this should happen again, just go to artistsunite.ning.com. Thank you, Rosa (director AU)
Added by Rosa Naparstek on September 16, 2016 at 3:52pm — No Comments
My mission is to help individuals, families and communities to de-colonize (de-authoritarianism) and to re-indigenize (re-democratism) through music, ritual, house concerts and workshops where we ‘wage creativity’. Ours is an Age of Magnification, a time between world views, between the late-modern world view and the emerging participatory world view. It is a crucial time because to collectively and unconsciously continue in the late-modern world view is to degrade the life-sustaining…
ContinueAdded by F. Christopher Reynolds on July 12, 2016 at 9:28am — 1 Comment
Due to a scheduling conflict, this exhibit at Rio II Gallery (where Harry and I got married) is falling on the heels of “…what is my function?” which just closed. Though its been a lot of fond objects, I am happy to have this opportunity and invite you to a wholly new exhibit: Toast Unplugged: Works for Harry, opening Sunday, July 10, 3-6pm at Rio II Gallery. Although it’s a short stay, closing Friday, July 15, 6-9pm, there’s ample time to see the work and enjoy the beautiful…
ContinueAdded by Rosa Naparstek on July 2, 2016 at 7:00pm — No Comments
Added by Rosa Naparstek on June 24, 2016 at 5:00am — No Comments
Film Showing: Thursday, June 16, 6pm: The Penthouse Gallery, 10 Fort Washington Ave. between 159 & 160th.Sts.
Exhibit: June 5-June 30, same location. Contact: rosa@atistsunite-ny.org Thank you., Rosa
Dear Friends,
I am showing the award winning documentary, An American Revolutionary: The Evolution of Grace Lee…
ContinueAdded by Rosa Naparstek on June 13, 2016 at 11:13am — No Comments
Dear Friends, I am happy to announce that I am having two solo exhibits this summer and one group show.
"…what is my function?” is an installation integrating diverse political and spiritual texts on what it means to be human with an exhibit of found object artworks titled: Mixed Metaphors. This is being held in conjunction with the award winning documentary “American Revolutionary: The Evolution of Grace Lee Boggs” which poses the same question. The film will be shown June 16, 6 PM,…
ContinueAdded by Rosa Naparstek on May 28, 2016 at 3:50pm — No Comments
Hi Everyone in "town" Good Luck with your Uptown Arts Stroll Events and make sure you get into the Print Guide, if you miss it, you can still get into the online guide. As you know this is a great one month opportunity to show your work.
And To All: I realize that I haven't written or posted or anything in a long time, and also realize that this website needs an UPDATE on many fronts. We have tried, but have been unsuccessful in getting funding to do this. I wonder if anyone out…
ContinueAdded by Rosa Naparstek on April 30, 2016 at 1:38pm — No Comments
Dear Uptown Artists: Please Note that the deadline to be included in the Uptown Arts Stroll Print Guide has been extended to Friday, May 6, 2016. If you are exhibiting/performing, you don't want to miss this opportunity.
see: http://www.artstroll.com/how-to-participate/ ; and/or read below:
Visual artists, singers, musicians, dancers, poets, theater groups, etc., in Washington…
ContinueAdded by Rosa Naparstek on April 30, 2016 at 1:03pm — No Comments
Dear Uptown Artists: Please Note that the deadline to be included in the Uptown Arts Stroll Print Guide has been extended to Friday, May 6, 2016. If you are exhibiting/performing, you don't want to miss this opportunity.
see: http://www.artstroll.com/how-to-participate/ ; and/or read below:
Visual artists, singers, musicians, dancers, poets, theater groups, etc., in Washington…
ContinueAdded by Rosa Naparstek on April 30, 2016 at 1:03pm — No Comments
Added by Rosa Naparstek on August 8, 2015 at 2:14pm — No Comments
Hi...please join us and help cover a park bench with stuffed animals. I have gathered lost, forgotten, outgrown stuffed animals for years to compensate for not having had any as a child. And now, having too many, even some Beanie Babies, they need a new home. I will raffle them off at the end of the day starting (@ 3:30-4:00 PM. Tell your stuffed toy story...if you had one, or didn't have, or still have one. Come, this Saturday, June 20, from 11 AM to 5 PM. Music by Harry…
ContinueAdded by Rosa Naparstek on June 18, 2015 at 10:33pm — No Comments
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