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Call for artists: Open air exhibit at the Uptown Arts Stroll kick-off celebration

A call to all uptown artists: Help us kick-off Uptown Arts Stroll 2014!

Exhibit the work of your choice on the opening night of NoMAA’s 2014 Uptown Arts Stroll, Thursday 29 May 2014, 6–8:30pm, in the beautiful Highbridge Park, near the city’s oldest standing bridge. (Enter on West 172nd Street and Amsterdam Avenue.)

This is a great opportunity to showcase your work and gain recognition in the community and beyond.

Highbridge Park


  • Works to be temporarily mounted/hung on or near a segment of the park’s fence for the duration of the event only from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
  • Please bring hanging materials and be prepared to install your work.
  • All media (and sizes) accepted that will hang safely on the fence.
  • Free standing sculpture: small designated area(s) will be determined upon arrival. Only work that can stand solidly and safely will be accepted.
  • Three to five works per person, depending on size and space available.
  • Subject matter: Please be mindful; this is a public park with all ages, cultures, religions attending—including young children. Content must be appropriate.
  • Feel free to bring your business cards, catalogs, or other promotional/information material.
  • Security: NoMAA, Highbridge Park, NYC Parks are not responsible for damage or loss. We suggest that you stay by your work. And, you most likely will want to do so in order to talk to the viewers.
  • Please bring your work to the site by 4 p.m. Once you enter the park, on Amsterdam Avenue & West 172nd Street, walk-up the ramp to the Water Tower Promenade.
  • Please notify by Monday 26 May 2014 if you will exhibit, which will allow us to know how much work and available space to expect.

This promises to be a wonderful event, with food, music, and your art to make it great.

Thank you,

Rosa Naparstek
Director, Artists Unite

P.S. I will be available for consultation on placement and hanging.

In case of rain: The open air exhibit is cancelled if it rains, and the opening reception will be in the Highbridge Recreation Center onsite.

Views: 55

Comment by Rosa Naparstek on April 26, 2014 at 8:57pm

Hi...hope you consider bringing your work. The first NoMAA "stroll" had it's opening here and was a very well attended, and fun event. This, the 11th year, promises to be even more so. And, I will be there to help you with it. Unfortunately, in case of rain, we won't, of course, be able to exhibit the art. However, the event will still take place inside in the Recreational Center. I look forward to seeing you and your work. Rosa


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