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Call for Art: Northern Manhattan Artists

May 23, 2011


Call for Art


MTA –Artists Unite Subway Elevator Poster Project


Northern Manhattan Artists

Deadline: Sunday, June 12, 2011 Midnight


Dear Artists, Friends and Community Members,


The MTA-Artists Unite Subway Elevator Poster Project, a long standing effort by the community is happy to announce this third call for artwork to be placed in the subway elevators at the A-Line 184h St (181st. Subway Stop) & 190th St. Subway Stations.

The two phases of this pilot project have been successfully completed acknowledging the uniqueness of our community and fulfilling Artists Unite Mission to bring art to the public in creative new venues. The second set of posters can still be seen in the elevators.

We are looking for six (6) original artworks by artists residing in CB 12* to be produced as posters and placed, one in each of the 3 elevators per station. Work will be seen by thousands of residents and tourists en route to the Cloisters Museum. See Instructions below.


* CB 12 covers Manhattan north of 155th street, river to river.



  • Material must be sensitive to and respectful of the diversity of the community.
  • Materials may (but need not) reflect icons associated with the surrounding neighborhood (by way of example, local parks, places of interest, etc.); they may not include depictions of commercial establishments or photographs of individuals, pets, or private residences.
  • Materials shall not include written or printed text.
  • Materials shall not include messages that might reasonably be interpreted as an endorsement or advocacy of any political, religious, social or ethnic organization, cause, or belief nor contain logos or other symbols of same.
  • The transit system is used by a diverse population, and accordingly, the materials shall be appropriate for viewing by persons of all ages and varying backgrounds. They shall not include content or references which might be reasonably construed as being of a sexual or violent nature.
  • Proposed art must lend itself to reproduction as a two-dimensional poster, no more than 29.5 inches wide by 45 inches long, (vertical/portrait orientation) printed on standard.
  • There will be a seven-inch strip running across the bottom of the poster on which will appear the text, “New York City Transit Celebrates Washington Heights” and the MTA New York City Transit logo.

Deadline for submissions: Sunday, June 12, 2011, 12:00 Midnight.


Posters will be exhibited for a minimum of six months.



Please submit no more than 4 images in JPG format for viewing. JPG files should be no more than 1000 pixels in any direction (e.g., 700 by 1000, or 1000 x 700 pixels). Include artist’s last name in the filename for each image (e.g., Rodriguez-landscape1.jpg).


Original work may be in any medium: painting, collage, sculpture, photography.

Selected artists will be contacted regarding image specifications for reproduction.


Send Images by e-mail to: along with your address in CB12 (Manhattan north of 155th street, river to river)


For More Information:

Contact or call: 212.740-9378



Artists Unite will convene a 5-7-person panel to select artwork. Final approval by the MTA in accordance with listed guidelines.


We look forward to your entries. This is an exciting opportunity to further develop a model for an MTA- community based arts program for our city’s subway system.


Thank you,

Rosa Naparstek,

Co-Director, Artists Unite

Views: 193

Tags: MTA, opportunity, poster

Comment by Rosemarie Price Kliegman on May 25, 2011 at 9:03am

I am interested in participating in the CB12 MTA Poster Contest. Please direct met to winners from the past two years as I would like to see the MTA and the judges are looking for.
Thank you very much.
Rosemarie Kliegman
Comment by Rosa Naparstek on May 25, 2011 at 12:30pm

Hi...each contest is independent from the others....and has different judges...we are not looking for anything specific...there is no format/theme/idea...we just look for what we think is the best work for the "elevator" gallery for the given period. (the MTA is not involved in the judging process, they do however review our choices).You can see the current posters in the elevators....the one's with the grey border are the Artists Unite poster contest winners. The others are from the MTA's Art-in-Transit Program. We do not pick our posters in relationship to them. Sometimes, when we can, we choose the MTA posters that work best with what we have chosen.

We plan to post all 12 previous winners....soon on our site....thank you for your interest and look forward to see all the new work. rosa


Comment by Dawn K. Chase on June 20, 2011 at 7:38pm
When will the winners be announced?
Comment by Rosa Naparstek on June 20, 2011 at 8:04pm

We hope to be able to do so at the latest, early next month.


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