My Goal of my designs is to challenge the status quo, and break the ignorance, by raising awareness to important issues for positive change.
For things to truly change the responsibility ultimately begins with each one of us doing our part, however small or insignificant it may feel. I feel if others ‘get it’ then collectively a difference can take effect. Wearing GraphicsforaCause is just one way of getting the message across. The way I see it, we all love to wear t-shirts, which essentially are billboards. Why not wear something that potentially can effect or instil change and expose an important issue or message to hundreds of people with little or no effort.
My designs are meant to provoke thought, conversation, and who knows, even action!
You can start to ‘be the change’ by ‘wearing the change’ you want to see take place around you.
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Comment Wall (1 comment)
At 2:46pm on November 18, 2014, David Hurley said…
Hello my good friend,
How are you? I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site. contact me through my email:
David Hurley.
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Add a photo here. It is your 15 moments of fame. Anyone can post. Anyone can replace (it will cycle). Enjoy. If it's okay with you, we may draw new backgrounds from this set.
Comment Wall (1 comment)
Hello my good friend,
How are you? I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site. contact me through my email:
David Hurley.
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